28 October 2006

Soleil does pours all over me

The title of this web log is let soleil pours over you, which means I expect the sun will shine over you in a cold, windy day. That was then when I was shivering in the cold Melbourne. I don't expect as much soleil anymore though, due to the obvious heat in this here land. But it's getting ridiculously too much sun for the past weeks.

It has been like a month* since the last rain drops touch the earth here resulting in ridiculously hot days which is too much to bear for me. Not to mention the smoggy air of Jakarta which refused to clear up even though there are not as much cars as before the long Eid holiday.

The rainy season is supposed to be here already, yet not even a drop of rain fall. I don't know if this is the result of the green house effect that people talk about so much.

* I heard in the Southern Jakarta some rains has already developed. I wonder when they will reach West Jakarta?