22 April 2010

Hot.. hot.. hot.. that's what I can say about the current weather in Delhi. It's just April, in the mercury have reached 45. Last week the temps are between 40 to 45, which usually in May or June. These three days are 'only' 34 to 39. What a relief.. wait.. what?

However, we should be thankful with the weather, much of the strangers who just met wouldn't have talk without it.

As Kim Hubbard saying," don't knock the weather, nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while."

How true, unless you come from Indonesia or other Asian countries, when conversation probably will begin with "have you married yet?" or other questions which is considered personal in the western countries.

Have a pleasant weather everyone.

21 January 2010

Dan hilanglah sudah

Baru sekarang saya liat-liat lagi blog saya yang sudah lama terlupakan (maafkan saya blog...). Baru tersadar banyak gambar-gambar yang ada di blog ini saya simpan di account geocities saya (bummer!!)

Sekarang Geocities sudah ditutup. Sesal tiada guna. Sekarang harus korek-korek lagi arsip foto di hard disk saya lalu berusaha menghidupkan lagi gambar-gambar di blog ini, kalau mood mengizinkan....

Eniwei, sudah dua tahun lebih saya di India, banyak cerita yang ingin saya share ke dunia, apalagi kalau bukan perbandingan kehidupan antara Jakarta, Melbourne, dan New Delhi?

Ah nantilah ai ceritakan kalau sudah mood. Untuk sementara nikmati dulu gambar-gambar klasik berikut...

The Famous Tomb

A Temple on the way to Ghaziabad

An old Mosque in Lodi's Garden

The not so famous tomb of Emperor Humayun

Koleksi gambar-gambar yang saya ambil dengan hape Ericsson tua saya yang setia menemani sejak saya masih di Melbourne.