or even worse. How can you blame them, the country is known to be placed in the driest landmass on the earth, no wonda..!
However, after I travel much further from the city I reside, I found out that this land actually have much more to offer than just the dry farm fields. Even in the dryness of the dessert land there are beauties.
But this place I visited is far from being dry. The landscape of this sstate is totally different from its fellow states of this country. Well how I wouldn't open up my jaw when viewing something like the picture below.

This land offers much more beauty than just that. But I guess you can see for yourself from their tourism website, so I won't bother to show other pictures of this land's landscape.
This place is also home of one unique animal that has become the cartoon figure in Warner Brother's Looney Toons. Anybody like Tazz??? Well I was lucky to be able catch the picture of this animal in its real habitat.
Cute, isn't it? But not until you hear it screams. It can make your ear deaf if you get too close while it scream. No wonder it is called the devil of this land.
In other time, while me and my friends are on my way there, we saw this beautiful house full of lights that we decided to stop and take a picture. It was Christmas time and the lights were put up to celebrate this. But may be the owner of the house just too carried away, anyway it was beautiful.

Sorry if the picture is a little bit blurr, but you can still see the beauty, can't you?
Untill next time.