Ada yang pernah denger grup band yang namanya Architecture in Helsinki nggak? Grup yang biasa disingkat AIH adalah salah satu grup lokal yang berasal dari sini, yang kabarnya berhasil menembus pasar Amrik. Hmm sounds cool!!??
Tapi biarpun udah berhasil ke amrik, grup ini rada2 belum di kenal di kancah permusikan dunia. Jangankan dunia, di orang2 kota ini aja jarang yang pernah denger namanya? Aliran musik AIH ini emang rada2 unik dan agak asing buat mereka2 yang biasa ngedengerin pop. Jadi bisa dibayangkan betapa herannya gue waktu seorang teman dari kampung halaman ngimel minta info tentang band ini, gue aja yang disini juga gak pernah denger.
Di kalangan teman2, gue dikenal sebagai penggemar musik-musik "aneh" dan unik, (pernah gue dihujat gara2 selalu mendengarkan CD Bjork :) ), tapi emang belum ada apa2nya sih dibanding teman satu kampung halaman ini. So gue tertarik deh untuk nyari tau tentang grup ini, dan alhamdulillah berhasil mendapatkan cd AIH di sebuah toko musik yang memang khusus menjual cd-cd musik untuk collector items . Hmmm, I think this group is not bad, not bad at all....
Musik2 AIH sebenarnya bisa dibilang sangat sederhana, bahkan terlalu sederhana untuk sebuah band yang beranggotakan 8 orang!! Sound yang mereka hasilkan sangat irit sehingga kalau kita tidak lihat kover dalamnya mungkin kita menyangka band ini cuma terdiri dari 3 sampai 4 orang saja. Tapi sound yang mereka hasilkan memang unik dan enak untuk dinikmati.
Baidewai, musik2 mereka tidak cukup "aneh" kok sehingga bisa bikin gue dihujat oleh temen2... :)
06 May 2005
03 May 2005
Arts all over
Well, I'm afraid I will turn this blog into a photoblog... shame on me for my lack of interest to write. Having said that, the photos I post here are also part of my experience living in this city. I only have one more year to go before they kick me out of here, back to my beloved hometown.
Last week I took a walk in the southern side of the city. The area is quite new, and I think it will become a new tourist precinct (not that this city doesn't have many of them). What attracted me so much was the many unique art pieces there. This area have been an open air art museum if you can say that. But many of this arts are for sale. Here are a couple of arts shown there.
What's that on the tree? Is it a bird? Is it a fruit? No, it's a cow!

How's the connection between turtle and the world? Very fragile.
Quite unique eh? By the way, the turtle is for sale, but the cow's not. I think because the cow has become a landmark of the area.
Last week I took a walk in the southern side of the city. The area is quite new, and I think it will become a new tourist precinct (not that this city doesn't have many of them). What attracted me so much was the many unique art pieces there. This area have been an open air art museum if you can say that. But many of this arts are for sale. Here are a couple of arts shown there.
What's that on the tree? Is it a bird? Is it a fruit? No, it's a cow!

How's the connection between turtle and the world? Very fragile.
Quite unique eh? By the way, the turtle is for sale, but the cow's not. I think because the cow has become a landmark of the area.
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